Events, Business Intelligence, Blog

The Birth of a Dashboard - Co-Sponsored with SAP



January 19, 2011


Location address: SAP Office, 95 Morton Street, NYC NY
Phone number: 212-461-1100 x5653
Where did this data come from? Is it accurate, complete and up to date?
How are the numbers changing over time? Is there a problem we need to resolve or is there an opportunity we can capitalize on?
What’s causing trends and variances? How do we adapt and what are the most likely scenarios?
Do these questions sound familiar?
* If you’ve answered YES then you should attend this event where we will discuss the benefits of
* A single version of the truth for decision making
* Understanding the relationships between business drivers, and how they impact your business
Quickly identify trends and variances at a glance, and modeling scenarios by adjusting graphical controls

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