Snowflake ProTalk:
Maximize Stored Procedures
“Snowflake’s stored procedures are different from what traditional databases provide, due to the nature of how Snowflake is fundamentally set up. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish the same data manipulation tasks”
In this session, Glenn spends time outlining how Snowflake stored procedures can be leveraged and where to use them vs other scripting options.
- Peel back the JavaScript wrapper and explain it
- Templated approach for working with JavaScript
- When to use Stored Procedures vs User Defined Table Functions vs Python
- Do’s and Don’ts for procedural scripting in Snowflake

As an Enterprise Data Solutions Architect at INTRICITY, Rich has deployed Snowflake in several dozen Fortune 500 accounts and designs and delivers orchestration, modeling, security and strategy to enable elastic cloud data warehousing.

Jared acts as our Vice President of Emerging Technologies and is the host of our Snowflake ProTalk webinar series. Listed as one of the “Top Marketing Operations Leaders You Should Know” and is the author and creator of our INTRICITY101 video series.

Acting as a Sr. Enterprise Solutions Architect, Glenn is considered to be a Snowflake master and has deployed Snowflake within a wide range of industries. He also specializes in digital transformation, master data management, cloud and mobility integration. appears invalid. We can send you a quick validation email to confirm it's yours