Events, Customer Lifetime Value, Blog

WEBINAR: Convert Your Casual Buyers into Loyal Customers



December 3, 2015

Discover Why Intricity Offers The Most Accurate CLV Predictions for Online Retail

December 2nd, 1pm EST, 10am PST

If you're responsible for marketing, and you're selling online, you already know how important Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is when making marketing spend decisions.  For example, customers with a low CLV may be unlikely to ever purchase from you again no matter what you do.  Customers with a high CLV will almost assuredly be repeat customers with little effort.  Customers with a CLV in the mid-range however may be your best target for a loyalty campaign.

Q: Our company already calculates CLV.  Are all CLV calculations equal?
Quite simply CLV represents the sum of your customers past and future value to your organization.  Calculating the value of past purchases is generally easy, but predicting the future with absolute certainty is impossible.
Data scientists have been working for years at determining unique ways to improve the accuracy of future purchase predictions, and CLV.

Q: Why is CLV accuracy so important?
It’s not enough to make your decisions based on data.  A hurricane path predicted with a poor model will result in lives lost.  The location of a lost vessel projected based on a weak algorithm will result in wasted search effort.   Basing your marketing spend on an inferior CLV calculation will lose you marketing budget, customers, time, and revenue.

Join Arkady Kleyner from Intricity, LLC for a free webinar and learn how Intricity delivers over 98% accuracy predicting future purchases for online retailers


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