Business Intelligence, Blog

Intricity partners up with Qlik



May 2, 2016


Intricity and Qlik have Qonnected as a Partner!

Introducing Qlik as a new partner for Intricity

As of May 2016, Intricity has joined Qlik, a leader in data discovery! With this new partnership, Intricity will be able to expand our services, and offer more tools to make your life easier.

We will be offering Qlik Demos to anyone interested.  Qlik has a lot to offer as a Business Intelligence Tool.  We will also be releasing a quick video to educate you on what Qlik does, and how it can help you.

Qlik can search and explore vast amounts of data – all your data. With Qlik, you’re not constrained by preconceived notions of how data should be related, but can finally understand how it truly is related. Analyze, reveal, collaborate and act. Qlik lets you turn data into insights across all aspects of your business. Every industry can benefit from Qlik and it’s services.

Iintricity is a specialized selection of over 100 Data Management and CRM Professionals, with offices located across the USA and Headquarters in New York City. Our team of experts have implemented Data Integration and CRM Solutions in a variety of industries including, Healthcare, Insurance, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Media, Pharmaceutical, Retail, and others. INTRICITY is uniquely positioned as a partner to the business that deeply understands what makes the data tick, and we are the easiest company to work with by favoring our clients in our business decisions.

Michael Fernandes,  Intricity LLC

Phone:   212-461-1100  Ext. 5653



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