maximize snowflake's potential

Discover flowobjects

Snowflake has completely changed the definition of scale. But with this redefinition, new opportunities emerge. The goal of FlowObjects is to tackle these new opportunities with streamlined out-of-the-box solutions. This four-part webinar series dives into each tool, the problem-solution gaps they fill, and their unique applications within a Snowflake environment.

Flow Objects Data Loader Really Big Files

Loading big files into snowflake

with flowobjects data loader

While Snowflake provides data loading options in the form of the web GUI and SnowSQL client, neither are designed for bulk data loading. 

Discover the loading options that are available using the FlowObjects Data Loader and how it can quickly fill a simple need as well as be embedded into other processes your organization might have.

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FlowObjects Tracking Infinity

tracking the infinity that is snowflake

with flow objects auditing & monitoring

Snowflake’s unlimited scale can be larger than administrators have the ability to track with the naked eye. To keep track of what is going on in Snowflake, a much deeper analysis needs to keep a pulse on the infinite potential that is Snowflake. 

Uncover some of the analytics that comes packaged with the FlowObjects Auditing & Monitoring tool to fill this need. 

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FlowObjects Excel

Excel, meet snowflake!

with flowobjects Excel Add-in

Connect to Snowflake with Excel and use native Excel functionality for its consumption, and refresh any of the work you had done in Excel! 

Learn how to draw in data using the FlowObjects Excel Add-In by connecting to Snowflake, conduct advanced multi-step SQL from Excel, and tailor user roles. 

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FlowObjects Automating Governance

automating the governance of snowflake

with flowobjects Access control master

The ultimate goal of any Snowflake environment is to get data to users. But how do you map the sea of data to the sea of users when both are so volatile?

FlowObjects Access Control Master provides a solution suite intended to map your existing Identity Management systems to your Snowflake objects, so access control is completely automated.

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Rich Hathaway

Rich Hathaway

Enterprise Data Solutions Architect

Arkady circle

Arkady Kleyner

Executive Vice President & Co-Founder

Jared Round BW

Jared Hillam

Vice President of Emerging Technologies & Host